Case Information

Docket Search

You may review unofficial copies of documents associated with Commission cases through the Docket Search portal. Most filings are made available within 24-48 hours of filing.

Public Comments/Notices

Commission orders often include public notification requirements. Such notices are made available here as a convenience to consumers. To submit comments or requests for hearing electronically, complete the form provided and submit your information.

Participating in Cases

The SCC encourages public participation in cases before it. Because of its wide-ranging regulatory authority, SCC decisions often impact residents of the Commonwealth.

Electronic Filing

The Commission allows electronic filing of case documents of up to 100 pages that do not contain confidential information for the convenience of all parties. Any person wishing to take advantage of the State Corporation Commission's electronic document filing procedure must first receive a password from the Clerk of the Commission.

Obtaining Public Documents

The State Corporation Commission encourages all citizens to access its publicly available documents. Information inquiries from the general public and news media are coordinated by the Division of Information Resources.