Water and Sewer Underground Utility Line/Cross
Boring Committee
On May 30, 2007, a committee was established consisting
of Virginia stakeholders with the following mission:
- To take proactive measures to identify potential
hazards, risks, and issues associated with trenchless
excavation operations in the vicinity of unmarked
water and sewer underground utility lines.
- To develop short and long-term action items
and a plan that includes recommendations to
assist in minimizing and/or preventing the
potential risk of cross boring through unmarked
water and sewer underground utility lines
in Virginia.
- To bring awareness of the issues to all
impacted stakeholders and ask for their assistance
to employ the Committee’s recommendations.
The point of contact for additional information concerning the committee
and its mission is Frank Hudik with the Virginia State Corporation Commission at frank.hudik@scc.virginia.gov or 804-371-9983.
Additionally, the following core committee members can be contacted:
- Core Members
- Utility Representatives:
- Excavator Representative: Randy James, Benton-Georgia,
757-461-9300 or rjames@benton-georgia.com
- County/City Representative: Mike Damron,
Campbell Counties Utilities and Service Authority
434-239-8654 or
- Va. Municipal League Representative:
Denise Thompson
804-523-8530 or dthompson@vml.org
- Va. Assoc. of Counties Representative:
Larry Land
804-343-2504 or lland@vaco.org
- Va. Assoc. of Municipal Wastewater
Agencies Representative: Barry Dunkley
434-799-6473 or dunklbt@ci.danville.va.us